You can search for databases directly from our discovery BiGsearch with the new DATABASE SEARCH function.
The function allows you to search for a specific database in the search box or to browse using the facets by subject.
In the detailed tab of each database you can find a description of the content, the information on how to autenthicate and a link to access the resource.
Use BiGsearch to search for a journal or to navigate list of journals by topic.
E-journals can give you direct access to full text articles.
You can access off-campus using your University UserID and Password.
You can browse E-Journal collections from this page.
You can search from encyclopedia and newspaper in BiGsearch.
Online Encyclopedia and Online Newspapers are available in the new Thematic Collection.
Ebooks are available from different platform which offer different ways to download or print your ebook. Check our Ebook Collections.
Remember that you need to sign up and enter your password to access electronic resources from outside the University network.