Library services for research


We have some specific services for researchers and PhD students, with the aim of helping them during all their research activity, from the initial project untill the final publication.

We also support open access publication.

Project planning

From the library website, you can access the database Sage research methods, that guides you through your research project and offers materials about the research methods.

Research materials and literature

Our library offers you a huge amount of bibliographic and factual resources, both printed and online.

You can start your research from the library catalogue BIGsearch to find your first relevant materials. Then you can deepen your search using the online disciplinary databases, where you can find data and bibliography from authoritative sources.

You can borrow, request, renew printed books accessing your personal account with your university credentials. 

Access to online resources in-campus and off-campus

Our library offers access to a great amount of online resources, like ebookse-journals and databases.

Usually these resources are accessibile on and off campus, through identifications with the university credentials.

Many databases offers also the possibility to have a personal login, in order to save preferences and historical researchs and to set alerts.

Loan services and interlibrary services

You can borrow, request, renew printed books accessing your personal account with your university credentials. You can borrow up to 25 books and keep them for 60 days, with three authomatic renewals if no one else requests the same book.

If you need a specific book or an article that our libraries don't have, you can ask it through the Interlibrary services.

Our library is partner in the RapidILL service, an international network that usually allows to receive articles in 24/48 hours.

Citation managers

Citation managers are tools to better manage your bibliography and references. 

They are especially useful when writing long papers that require the use of many sources because they allow you to keep track of every source you use and to cite it correctly. Some of them also allow you to connect with other researchers.

Help for publishing in the institutional repository

Our University has an Istitutional repository called Aisberg.

We offer you assistance for publishing in Aisberg your PhD thesis or your research papers.

The best PhD dissertations can also be published, with the author permission, in the PhD school collection

Help in ORCID-id creation

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID,  is an international non-profit organization with the aim of establishing trustworthy identification of research contributors. The ORCID id is an unique identifier for researchers that can be used in every database.

We can help researchers and PhD students in creating their own ORCID id. The id can then be associated to Aisberg records and used in the scientific researcher's curriculum.

To ask for help you can write to our dedicated staff.

Open Access publishing

Aisberg is an open access repository, compliant to the University of Bergamo policy for open access . To have help for publishing open access in Aisberg you can ask our staff.

Researchers with a Unibg affiliation can also publish free of charge in some hybrid journals thanks to transformative contracts subscribed by the university. 

Look at Transitional Agreements.

Be careful! The corresponding author must have a current affiliation with the University of Bergamo when the article is accepted for publication.