Serial articles

Article search in BiGsearch

You can search for articles using BiGsearch.

Once you've done your search, use the Availability filter to select only Peer reviewed journals. 

Peer review is an evaluation process that distinguish scientific journals from other kinds of publications. Each paper is reviewed by a pool of experts that judge the paper's scientific quality. 

Search in scientific databases

After a first search in BiGsearch you can go on and deepen your research using disciplinary databases. 

The bibliographic databases contain records about the scientific production in a certain field, indexing journal articles, book chapters and conference papers; sometimes they give you also the full text article. The search in a disciplinary database is very sophisticated, you can use special indexing terms to obtain more results.

It's not easy to use these databases, so if you need help ask the librarians.

Find your article

If you can't download the full text of your article, you can ask the Interlibrary services to provide it to you.

Log in BiGsearch using your university credentials, then click on the ILL request button and fill the form.

The library will contact you when your article is available.