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This commentary covers all topics and critical aspects elicited by the new European General Data Protection Regulation and its interpretation. The commentary focuses on the regulation itself, including cross-references to further provisions (eg the Police and Criminal Justice Data Protection Directive, the E-Privacy-Directive or the former Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC). Article by article the purpose of a provision is classified, its background, function and structure analysed and its content interpreted. The commentary provides an independent view of all topics, presenting both an overview and specific interpretation that provide far-reaching arguments. The editors and authors are outstanding experts in the field of data protection law well known for their practical as well as structured and thorough approach to data protection issues. They offer suitable solutions and sound arguments especially for international companies, legal councils and corporate lawyers as well as data protection agencies, NGOs and legislators.
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In our current screen-saturated culture, we take in more information through visual means than at any point in history. The computers and smart phones that constantly flood us with images do more than simply convey information. They structure our relationship to information through graphical formats. Learning to interpret how visual forms not only present but produce knowledge, says Johanna Drucker, has become an essential contemporary skill.Graphesis provides a descriptive critical language for the analysis of graphical knowledge. In an interdisciplinary study fusing digital humanities with media studies and graphic design history, Drucker outlines the principles by which visual formats organize meaningful content. Among the most significant of these formats is the graphical user interface (GUI)—the dominant feature of the screens of nearly all consumer electronic devices. Because so much of our personal and professional lives is mediated through visual interfaces, it is important to start thinking critically about how they shape knowledge, our behavior, and even our identity.Information graphics bear tell-tale signs of the disciplines in which they originated: statistics, business, and the empirical sciences. Drucker makes the case for studying visuality from a humanistic perspective, exploring how graphic languages can serve fields where qualitative judgments take priority over quantitative statements of fact. Graphesis offers a new epistemology of the ways we process information, embracing the full potential of visual forms and formats of knowledge production.
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In the early hours of an August 2007 morning a gunfight broke out in an Italian restaurant in Duisburg, Germany; in less than five minutes over seventy shots were fired into the bodies of six men. Both the victims and the assassins were members of the 'Ndrangheta crime organization. Calabria's Mafia had brazenly shown its savage influence outside Italy for the first time. In "The Honored Society" award-winning investigative reporter Petra Reski reveals the Mafia menace lurking throughout the world-- from espresso bars in Palermo to European halls of parliament to the corporate headquarters of enormous agricultural firms. In haunting and exquisite prose she explores the Byzantine structure of the 'Ndrangheta, Cosa Nostra and other mafia clans throughout Italy -- the code they live by, the destruction they wreak, how they operate within the country and how they operate internationally. She shows how these syndicates dominate everything from nuclear waste disposal to hotel chains to the marijuana trade in Australia and cocaine trafficked throughout the world. Reski shows how figures such as Silvio Berlusconi were made by the Mafia, and how those who dared to defy its codes were broken. A searing portrait of the criminals who have come to control not only Italy but vast swathes of the globe, "The Honored Society" is a journalistic tour de force.
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This thoroughly revised second edition draws on the author's decades of observations and experiences in academia, providing insight and responding to the challenges of fostering a successful academic career. Written in a clear and concise style, the book provides fully updated, forthright and practical counsel on achieving and maintaining a successful, balanced career amidst today's intensifying institutional needs and demands. Iain Hay offers a deep understanding of academic career development from PhD to retirement and in this book addresses a wide range of areas such as writing compelling job applications, handling job offers, academic networking, preserving your public reputation, working with research teams, and how to undertake productive sabbatical leave. The breadth of coverage in this updated book ensures that it will be an excellent resource not only for students and early career academics striving to understand how to establish and cultivate an excellent career path, but also to more senior scholars who are mentoring post graduate students and junior colleagues whilst working to sustain their own careers.
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The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice.
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Nell'era della Artificial Intelligence (AI) le nuove questioni etiche, la loro traduzione in mediazione giuridica ed il dilatarsi della scienza e della prassi applicativa esigono, si afferma sempre, un approccio interdisciplinare. Eppure, la ormai sterminata letteratura in materia affronta sovente i problemi da angoli visuali particolari. Il volume, pur dedicato ad indagine settoriale, teoria e prassi dell'impiego di device AI-powered in medicina, si sforza di censire, facendole fondere in un unitario (con)testo, le voci di saperi convergenti ma settorialmente distinti: esponenti dell'ars medica e delle scienze informatiche ed ingegneristiche si affiancano a giuristi e studiosi della nuova algoretica, completandosi a vicenda ed arricchendosi della reciproca somma sinergica.
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La categoria della Persona giuridica emerge in un lento processo, che ha le sue prime radici nella scienza giuridica medievale e impegnala dottrina giuridica europea, in particolare nella Civil Law continentale, degli ultimi secoli. Essa si concretizza definitivamente nella dottrina giuridica tedesca del XIX secolo e trova un definitivo riconoscimento nelle grandi codificazioni civili e commerciali del secolo scorso. La ricostruzione dell’intensa opera dottrinale e legislativa che sottende l’elaborazione definitiva di questa categoria giuridica ci condurrà a rivisitare la storia giuridica dell’Europa continentale negli ultimi secoli. Il tema ci confronterà insieme con uno dei più importanti e, sia qui aggiunto, con uno dei più esemplari capitoli nella recente storia del diritto privato continentale. Si tratta della ricerca, al di là della tradizione del diritto romano comune, di un quadro giuridico adeguato perle nuove forme emergenti di organizzazione capitalistica del commercio e dell’attività imprenditoriale. L’elaborazione dell’idea di Persona giuridica, ad esempio nelle sembianze di una moderna società di capitali, si realizzò in un plurisecolare lavoro collettivo di molte generazioni di legislatori e di interpreti, che riunì i giuristi europei senza distinzione di nazione. Si può giustamente riconoscere in tutto ciò una vera e propria rivoluzionaria cesura nella storia sia della Civil Law che della Common Law. Il presente contributo si propone di presentare in una sintesi storica e comparatistica le tappe decisive di questo processo plurisecolare. (dall'introduzione)
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Il manuale di Istituzioni di diritto privato, giunto alla terza edizione, è aggiornato con le ultime novità normative e giurisprudenziali. Grazie all'impianto sistematico che consente allo studente di comprendere i vari istituti e di operare i collegamenti, ad un'esposizione sintetica, ma allo stesso completa, e alla presenza di esempi, il volume conserva la qualità originaria e si conferma uno strumento di fondamentale ausilio per lo studio del diritto privato.
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Este libro ofrece una panorámica completa a nivel europeo sobre el régimen fiscal de las confesiones religiosas y de las entidades con fines filosóficos o espirituales. La publicación no se limita a ofrecer los datos de Derecho positivo, que en este sector del ordenamiento están sometidos a constantes cambios, sino que identifica las líneas de fuerza de los diferentes modelos nacionales. A lo largo de sus páginas se muestra que el principio de separación o laicidad no está reñido con la cooperación con los grupos religiosos, dado que todos los Estados asumen el compromiso de promover el reconocimiento efectivo del derecho fundamental de libertad religiosa.
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This revised second edition of Language and Media: Provides an accessible introduction and comprehensive overview of the major approaches and methodological tools used in the study of language and media. Focuses on a broad range of media and media content from more traditional print and broadcast media formats to more recent digital media formats. Incorporates practical examples using real data, including newspaper articles, press releases, television shows, advertisements (print, broadcast, and digital), blogs, social media content, internet memes, culture jamming, and protest signs. Includes key readings from leading scholars in the field, such as Jan Blommaert, Sonia Livingstone, David Machin, Martin Montgomery, Ruth Page, Ron Scollon, and Theo van Leeuwen. Offers a wide range of activities, questions, and points for further discussion. The book emphasises the increasingly creative ways ordinary people are engaging in media production. It also addresses a number of urgent current concerns around media and media production/reception, including fake news, clickbait, virality, and surveillance. Features of the new edition include: Special attention on 'new media' forms such as websites, podcasts, YouTube videos, social media sites, and mobile apps such as Snapchat and Instagram; Additional material on: mobility and materiality in media, memes and virality, discourse processes in media production, collaborative production and user created content, reality TV, fake news, the role of algorithms and bots in media production and circulation, and media and resistance; Discussion of media surveillance, privacy boundaries, and the so-called 'right to be forgotten' related to Internet archiving; Brand new readings from key scholars in the field including Piia Varis, Jan Blommaert, Monika Bednarek and Martin Montgomery; Updated examples and references throughout, to reflect more contemporary issues. Written by three experienced teachers and authors, this accessible textbook is an essential resource for all students of English language and linguistics.Leggi di meno
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